Vertebral subluxation

Where does the spinal cord begin?
Or WHERE is the main cause of spinal biomechanical alterations

❌ Asymmetry
of tight muscle
✅ Symmetry
of tight muscle

How does it manifest in patients?

Are your complaints really just psychosomatic?

Since the craniovertebral region is still controversial, it is likely that your healthcare professional simply does not know and therefore does not tell you that vertebral subluxation can be the cause of most of your symptoms.
Posture disorders, problems and strain in musculoskeletal system, headaches, migraines, arm numbness, dizziness, fibromyalgia and many other diseases are just the top of the iceberg.
How does it work in practice?

Atlas (lat. Atlas, C1) is the first cervical vertebra that holds the head on itself and forms the atlanto-occipital joint (lat. Articulatio atlantooccipitalis).
Atlas, connecting with Axis (Latin Axis, C2) (second vertebra), forms the median and lateral atlantoaxial joints (Latin Articulatio atlanto-axialis mediana et lateralis).
In general, three joints of the head are formed and they play a key role in maintaining the balance of the head and the body and also in keeping spine healthy.
Violations in this region can have a "domino" effect, affecting the musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems, creating imbalances and dysfunctions in different parts of the body. With the lapse of time these violations can turn into serious health issues.
The body is no longer able to function properly. Despite the fact that it undermines quality of life, healthcare professionals often cannot identify a cause and patients continue feeling ill.

Vertebral subluxation: a hidden reason for many ailments

- cervical osteochondrosis
- headache / cephalalgia
- migraine
- dizziness, unsteadiness, a feeling of floating
- Meniere's disease
- visual impairment, eye inflammation
- buzzing noise in the ears, ringing noise in the ears, tinnitus
- inflammation of the middle ear
- trigeminal neuralgia
- jaw pain, jaw crunching noise
- chronic sinusitis
- limited or painful rotation / flexion of the head
- neck tension and pain
- stiff neck
- torticollis, spasmodic torticollis
- shoulder pain, uneven shoulders
- paresthesia / arm numbness / goose bumps
- recurrent tendinitis
- tennis elbow
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- increased muscle tension
- muscle pain (fibromyalgia)
- tension and back pain
- functional scoliosis
- lumbago
- intervertebral disc protrusion
- herniated disc
- spinal nerve compression
- pelvic asymmetry or obliquity
- arthritis (if it is caused by improper posture) pain with sacroiliac joint dysfunction
- sacroiliac dysfunction
- sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve
- sciatica, radiculopathy
- hip joint pain
- difference in leg length
- pain in the legs, knees, or feet
- valgus and varus deformities
- chronically cold hands and feet
- tachycardia - hypertension - low blood pressure
- increased acidity of the stomach
- gastroesophageal reflux disease
- sudden vasovagal syncope
- depression (if it started as a result of chronic stress and pain)
- insomnia, sleep disturbances
- interrupted sleep
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- learning disabilities - dyslexia (difficulty reading or writing)
- delayed speech development in children
- epilepsy
- crunch (crackle) and pain in knee joints
Our patients reviews

Causes of violations

Is joint correction dangerous?

Many doctors and patients consider cervical-spine interventions to be dangerous.
This statement is true, but only in cases of sudden and vigorous cervical spine manipulations, when the person is asked to “relax and trust”.
"Brain Hacking" or Neurophysiological Technology of the "Body Balance Correction" method

How is the correction performed?

The author of the method

Founder of the "Body Balance" organization. Neurophysiologist. Healthcare technologist.
The author of the neurophysiological method "Body Balance Correction™" is aimed at the elimination of disorders in the craniovertebral region and treatment of vertebral subluxation.
The author of the method for eliminating the spinal deformities of the back. "Spinotherapy" is a neurophysiological approach for restoring muscle work and the symmetry of the tension of anatomy trains.
Permanent workplace:
Medical Centers "Body Balance Clinic"
Prague and Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Medical degree.
-Medical degree is obtained at the Institute for Rehabilitative Massage and Traumatology.
- An expert in unlocking head joints AA, AO. Work experience is over 10,000 corrections.
- Author of innovative solutions for the elimination of spinal biomechanical alterations (Balancer and Estetic) and occlusion.
He structured technologies into one general system for the treatment of biomechanical dystonia, which completely differs from worldwide formulations, modern conceptual framework and effectiveness according to the neurophysiological approach.
About us
Do I really need a correction? If there are no symptoms and everything seems to be fine?
CT scans of patients confirming the craniovertebral junction disorders
is better than cure