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Vertebral subluxation

Watch this short video about cervical dysfunction. You will learn that disorders in the head-neck junction can cause a number of neurological symptoms and are the main cause of osteochondrosis, as well as the main cause of the majority of biomechanical and spinal distortions.
If your previous treatment was aimed at suppressing pain and discomfort, so our method of treatment of functional disorders of the craniovertebral joints will help you reveal the primary cause of cervical osteochondrosis, spinal disorders and thereby will relieve your symptoms or even completely eliminate most of the existing problems.

Where does the spinal cord begin? Or WHERE is the main cause of spinal biomechanical alterations

There are two cases: In the first case, the patient has severe vertebral subluxation. The joints are blocked, and the first cervical vertebra (Atlas) is displaced and rotated due to the asymmetric tone of the muscles that control it. In the second case, after using the method of "Correction", the first vertebra is in the correct order, the muscles are in symmetrical tone and the joints work normally.

❌ Asymmetry

of tight muscle

✅ Symmetry
of tight muscle

Dysfunction can occur as a result of birth trauma, head trauma and other various “stressful situations for the head and neck”, after that the asymmetrical pair of tight muscles occurs under the skull, when the one muscle pulls harder than the other, leads to rotation of the vertebrae under the skull and systemic “twisting” of the spine along its entire length up to the sacrum.
Neurologists are aware of such pathological conditions as syndrome of the superior oblique muscle of the head, syndrome of the inferior oblique muscle of the head and so on.

❌ Вращательный подвывих
шейного отдела позвоночника

✅ Правильное

One of the functions of the head joints is to balance the skull weight (about 5 kilograms) and distribute it evenly along the axis of the spine.
If the head joints do not work properly due to muscle syndromes, then it can lead to discoordination of the centers of gravity of the head and body, and, accordingly, to collapse and spinal biomechanical alterations.

❌ Биомеханический коллапс

Баланс тела

The head displacement against the vertical axis and the asymmetrical load on the first vertebrae and joints forces the spine to distort in an attempt to find the balance. It leads to systemic curvature and decompensation in the body.
As you can mention, scoliosis, back pain, and many other symptoms of osteochondrosis can have completely different causes than you used to think. The balance of the body directly depends on the condition of the cervical spine. It is essential.

How does it manifest in patients?



The first image shows the picture of asymmetric tone (syndromes) of muscles pairs, due to which the ratio of the cervical vertebrae to the base of the skull is disturbed according to the normal limits.
Craniocervical junction disorder has a complex effect on the health of the spine, the patient's posture and the ability to keep the back straight.
The photo was taken before and three months after the procedure.

❌ Неравная длина ноги

Одинаковая длина ноги

When the patient is in the supine position on the massage table, the specialist pulls him by the legs with the same effort, performing a grip in the Achilles. As a rule, because of the presence of vertebral subluxation and a picture of spinal biomechanical alterations, the patient's legs are stretched asymmetrically and have different lengths due to the twisted pelvis and the asymmetric tone of myofascial chains.
The symmetrical tension of anatomy trains along the entire body restores after the elimination of craniocervical junction disorders. As a result, the pelvis and legs are aligned. Muscles work together. It is a long-term effect. The photo was taken before and immediately after the procedure.

Различное сгибание ног,

искривленный таз

Та же гибкость, нет


The patient's legs can spring back in different places when he bends the knees with the same pressure force. One leg tends to bend deeper while the other bends tighter. At the same time, patients often experience very unpleasant sensations in the lower back. This indicates the presence of a spiral in the spine and a rotational twisted pelvis, which is caused by vertebral subluxation.
The rotation of the cervical vertebrae starts the pathological process of twisting the spine into a spiral along its entire length. After the restoration of the functions of the head joints, the spiral is no longer diagnosed, and the patient reports a significant improvement in sensations in the lower back. The photos were taken before and immediately after the procedure. Turning the head to the left and right before and after the procedure. 
Head turns left and right before and after the procedure
Very often a person is not even aware of turning his head better in one direction, and worse in the other. But this is one of the most important and obvious signs of head joints locking.
The head movements to the left and right, up and down has been improved after the correction. The patient reports that the head is felt on the shoulders more easily than usual, as if "weighs less". Tension and pain go away from the muscles of the shoulder girdle, that is checked by tests in each patient. Subsequently, there is no need to rest your head on your hand. If it is controlled in several months or several years, it can have a long-term effect.
All this indicates the restoration of the biomechanical balance. When the head joints work in full amplitude and there is no displacement of the head by the muscles, then the weight of the head is correctly distributed along the axis of the entire spine. Thus, muscle overload and tension go away. Compensations and trigger clamps are self-absorbing. The pain has receded.
We surveyed over 10,000 patients. Each of them is living proof of the significant influence of the craniovertebral region on the balance of the whole body.

Are your complaints really just psychosomatic?

Скольким пациентам были назначены антидепрессанты или даже направлены к психиатру их медицинскими работниками, заявив, что их проблемы “придуманы ими самими” и что они "очевидно" имеют психосоматическое происхождение?

И человек долго страдает от боли, и специалисты утверждают, что причин для беспокойства нет.

Since the craniovertebral region is still controversial, it is likely that your healthcare professional simply does not know and therefore does not tell you that vertebral subluxation can be the cause of most of your symptoms.

Posture disorders, problems and strain in musculoskeletal system, headaches, migraines, arm numbness, dizziness, fibromyalgia and many other diseases are just the top of the iceberg.

How does it work in practice?

Atlas (lat. Atlas, C1) is the first cervical vertebra that holds the head on itself and forms the atlanto-occipital joint (lat. Articulatio atlantooccipitalis).

Atlas, connecting with Axis (Latin Axis, C2) (second vertebra), forms the median and lateral atlantoaxial joints (Latin Articulatio atlanto-axialis mediana et lateralis).

In general, three joints of the head are formed and they play a key role in maintaining the balance of the head and the body and also in keeping spine healthy.

Violations in this region can have a "domino" effect, affecting the musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems, creating imbalances and dysfunctions in different parts of the body. With the lapse of time these violations can turn into serious health issues.

The body is no longer able to function properly. Despite the fact that it undermines quality of life, healthcare professionals often cannot identify a cause and patients continue feeling ill.

Many ailments and diseases of the body which appear to be unrelated to each other, 
have one common "root of evil".
Vertebral subluxation impairs the proper connection between the head and body.
This leads to numerous disorders of the nervous system such as VVD, headaches, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, hyperactivity and developmental delay in children, nervous disorders, fatigue, irritability, high blood pressure, dizziness, etc.
A displacement of the head occurs due to vertebral subluxation. If the photographer changes your head position when you are taken a photo for documents, then there is a head displacement. The main symptom of the disorder is an inability to keep your head and shoulders straight in a relaxed position. If your head turns worse and harder to one side than to the other, then the subluxation is rotational.
Since the head is displaced, the body begins to compensate for the head tilt due to the curvature of the spine. Misalignment of the shoulders, shoulder blades and a chest, a hunched back, hyperkyphosis, a pelvic tilt and the unequal leg length can cause scoliosis. The body adjusts to the head tilt.
A lack of pain doesn't mean a lack of problem. The body gets used to it. Older people are at high risk of complications. Treatment should not be postponed.
Because of that, excessive tight muscles appear and lead to a deterioration of microcirculation in the spine and early osteochondrosis (hernias, protrusions, arthritis, arthrosis, joint distortion, discomfort and nagging pain).
Vertebral subluxation can result in some changes in the symmetry of the skull and malocclusion. Crooked teeth are a sure sign of deformation of the bones of the skull, a disorder of the dental arch measurements and excessive tight muscle in the back of the neck.
9 out of 10 people with neurological disorders and symptoms of osteochondrosis have a hidden disorder and vertebral subluxation, without even realizing that it is the main cause of the general deterioration of their health.

Vertebral subluxation: a hidden reason for many ailments

A list of the most common complaints and symptoms was made, according to which, after carrying out "Correction" method, relief or complete recovery can be achieved due to a large number of patients (more than 10 thousand of people) who underwent the correction of craniovertebral joint alterations using Body Balance method by Andrei Popravka, which is based on the collected data, both medical diagnostics and observations of doctors and subjective feedback from patients.
It would be wrong to interpret the method “Body Balance” as an effective problem solver. But the aim of "Body Balance Correction" is to eliminate the cause of the spinal biomechanical alterations, which, in its turn, gives the body the ability to self-regulate, heal itself and improve microcirculation.
  • cervical osteochondrosis
  • headache / cephalalgia
  • migraine
  • dizziness, unsteadiness, a feeling of floating
  • Meniere's disease
  • visual impairment, eye inflammation
  • buzzing noise in the ears, ringing noise in the ears, tinnitus
  • inflammation of the middle ear
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • jaw pain, jaw crunching noise
  • chronic sinusitis
  • limited or painful rotation / flexion of the head
  • neck tension and pain
  • stiff neck
  • torticollis, spasmodic torticollis
  • shoulder pain, uneven shoulders
  • paresthesia / arm numbness / goose bumps
  • recurrent tendinitis
  • tennis elbow
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • increased muscle tension
  • muscle pain (fibromyalgia)
  • tension and back pain
  • functional scoliosis
  • lumbago
  • intervertebral disc protrusion
  • herniated disc
  • spinal nerve compression
  • pelvic asymmetry or obliquity
  • arthritis (if it is caused by improper posture) pain with sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • sacroiliac dysfunction
  • sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve
  • sciatica, radiculopathy
  • hip joint pain
  • difference in leg length
  • pain in the legs, knees, or feet
  • valgus and varus deformities
  • chronically cold hands and feet
  • tachycardia - hypertension - low blood pressure
  • increased acidity of the stomach
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • sudden vasovagal syncope
  • depression (if it started as a result of chronic stress and pain)
  • insomnia, sleep disturbances
  • interrupted sleep
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • learning disabilities - dyslexia (difficulty reading or writing)
  • delayed speech development in children
  • epilepsy
  • crunch (crackle) and pain in knee joints
In most cases, these pathological conditions are actually symptoms of head joints locking.

Our patients reviews

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Causes of violations

Neck strain during childbirth
Birth trauma is the main cause of displacement and rotation of the cervical vertebrae against the occipital bone of the skull. Slight, even the slightest stretching of the baby's neck leads to an asymmetric and prolonged protective spasm of the muscles of the occipital region, which consequently leads to the vertebral subluxation. As a result of the trauma, the child after his birth cannot hold his head on his own for a long time, sometimes even more than 2-3 months.
Giving birth on the back
Due to the giving birth on the back, the pelvis opens worse and the woman has to put much more efforts into giving birth to the baby. Very intense pushing and an increase in the labor duration affect the baby's spine negatively. Compression of the skull and, especially, of the cervical vertebrae occurs during the passage of the birth canal.
Increase in labor duration
Studies have shown that women who give birth on their back are more likely to undergo episiotomy than women who give birth in an upright position. In addition, it was also proved that giving birth on the back lasts longer (in primigravidas it is 23 minutes longer on average while in multigravidas it is 13 minutes longer).
Trauma to the head and neck
Childhood injuries at an unconscious age, falls and blows to the head, fights at school, fights, doing martial arts for a long time, sports injuries, whiplash injury, diver's injury, sharp jerks and crunches of the neck during a massage session, feeling like you need to crack your neck and head injuries can make head joints worse.
Abnormalities are considered to be "genetic"
Traditional medicine believes that possible abnormalities in the atlanto-occipital joint (except cases of serious injury) are due to genetics and do not need any correction. As a result, the problem is practically not diagnosed, while even a slight joint dislocation can lead to very serious pathological changes throughout the body.
Not enough attention is paid to the craniovertebral region during the examinations
Spiral computer tomography (3D CT) allows you to determine the degree of dislocation and position of the vertebrae very accurately, but only if a radiologist focuses on this region. In most cases, rotation goes unnoticed due to the beliefs of traditional medicine.
Inappropriate diagnostic methods
The disadvantage of all methods of examining the spine is that to identify vertebral subluxation, rotation Atlanta and Axis with the help of 2D x-ray is almost impossible.
Lack of effective treatment
Traditional medicine does not offer biomechanical treatment. Pharmacology is most often used to eliminate the symptoms that occur with dislocations of the cervical vertebrae.
Attempts to eliminate the twisted pelvis (also known as pelvic torsion), remove the spasm of the paravertebral muscles, reduce back pain with classic rehabilitation or physiotherapy without solving a problem and without performing a RESTART of the nervous system, namely the reticular formation, are failed to be efficient and very often improvements from such procedures can be for a short period of time and previous pain comes back.
Nowadays, only the specialists of the BODY BALANCE organization have the technology of full neurophysiological treatment of craniovertebral dysfunction.
After the "BODY BALANCE Correction" the effectiveness of further physiotherapeutic techniques increases significantly and a quick patient recovery is possible thanks to the comprehensive approach and, moreover, it helps him to get rid of conditions for a long period of time, which has been repeatedly confirmed by our colleagues, neurologists, rehabilitation therapists and physiotherapists, with whom we work in close collaboration.
Information for doctors

Is joint correction dangerous?

Many doctors and patients consider cervical-spine interventions to be dangerous.

This statement is true, but only in cases of sudden and vigorous cervical spine manipulations, when the person is asked to “relax and trust”.

The BODY BALANCE organization has nothing to do with such methods of treatment for slipped vertebrae. We use completely different, absolutely safe principles of interaction with your muscles.
This is NOT manual therapy, NOT bone fixation, NOT massage, and NOT osteopathy. There are no cracks, twisting, abrupt movements and neck strains. Arteries, cartilages and vertebrae are not affected.

"Brain Hacking" or Neurophysiological Technology of the "Body Balance Correction" method

The "Body Balance Correction" is a method of neurophysiological restoration of the functions of the nervous system with the help of stimulation and fatigue of the nerve endings in the muscles.
The technology allows a complete restoration and restart of the entire reticular formation (neuromuscular frame of a person) and overcome the "muscle memory" of any muscle in the body.
In simple terms, the method restores the correct muscle control which is carried out by the brain. For that really reason the effect is stable and persists throughout the life. There are a lot of changes in the body after the procedure. The body restores from dislocations, compensations and distortions.
Apart from homeostasis and tension, microcirculation is restored in the paired muscles of the head joints and fibrosis is eliminated.
The top minds of the planet have been trying to solve the problem of vertebral subluxation for several decades, but they failed to reach a common solution. So, what is the reason? We can help you get the answers you need.
Vertebral subluxation is a neurogenic dysfunction that can be eliminated only by a neurophysiological method. We can provide you with the technology.
If you are a healthcare provider and you would like to learn more about our technology, follow the link in order to read our article:
Detailed information for healthcare providers

How is the correction performed?

Neurostimulation is provided carefully by means of fatigue of the occipital muscles and with moderate strength. All the occipital muscles are processed in turn. In total, up to 16 actions can be carried out. It all depends on the kind of the subluxation, the condition of the muscles and the individual structure of the patient's neck.
The balance of your body will be completely restored in just two or three sessions

The author of the method

Founder of the "Body Balance" organization. Neurophysiologist. Healthcare technologist.

The author of the neurophysiological method "Body Balance Correction™" is aimed at the elimination of disorders in the craniovertebral region and treatment of vertebral subluxation.

The author of the method for eliminating the spinal deformities of the back. "Spinotherapy" is a neurophysiological approach for restoring muscle work and the symmetry of the tension of anatomy trains.

Permanent workplace:
Medical Centers "Body Balance Clinic"
Prague and Ostrava, Czech Republic

- Medical degree.

-Medical degree is obtained at the Institute for Rehabilitative Massage and Traumatology.

- An expert in unlocking head joints AA, AO. Work experience is over 10,000 corrections.

- Author of innovative solutions for the elimination of spinal biomechanical alterations (Balancer and Estetic) and occlusion.

He structured technologies into one general system for the treatment of biomechanical dystonia, which completely differs from worldwide formulations, modern conceptual framework and effectiveness according to the neurophysiological approach.

About us

Do I really need a correction? If there are no symptoms and everything seems to be fine?

Due to the vertebral subluxation, which is statistically present in many people in one form or another, the body is in an emergency condition which is called an "energy saving" condition. People may not even be aware of this and they usually associate their disorders with fatigue, stress or age. Most likely, you are used to your ailments and do not even know that everything could be different.

CT scans of patients confirming the craniovertebral junction disorders

If you are far from us and want to be sure of the need for "Correction", you are welcome to use our online diagnostics.
In order to do that, you should go to the nearest clinic and undergo a CT scan. After that you will receive a CD with the results. Copy it to your computer and send us the results. Our healthcare professionals will determine the location of your first, second and third vertebrae against the occipital bone of the skull using 3 sections with an accuracy of a tenth of a millimeter. You will receive a detailed photo report with explanations and an expert review on the condition of your "craniovertebral region", as well as recommendations for treatment.
In addition, an expert often checks for anomalies of the skull and vertebrae (including Kimmerle anomalies), the symmetry of the development of foramen in the vertebrae, which provides passage for arteries, the presence of fused vertebrae, osteophytes, infections in the root canals of the teeth, the condition of the mandibular joints.
Learn more

Prevention is better than cure

Correction of the vertebral subluxation is necessary regardless of the diseases you have at the moment and stages of disease manifestation, since this is an “investment” which is aimed at maintaining good health in future.
Treatment is highly recommended from childhood because it will allow the body to develop and function properly.
The older a person gets and the longer he “has” his problem, the more difficult it is to deal with it. Due to a decrease in the body's ability to regenerate, exacerbation of muscle fibrosis, deterioration of the flexibility of the spine and changes in cartilage tissue.
REMEMBER: A minor malaise that is neglected today can lead to a major problem tomorrow!
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