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Main Main principles Impact on the nervous system

The impact of head joints dysfunction on the nervous system

Currently, one of the most significant issues in neurology is craniovertebral dysfunction (head joint dysfunction). This area is studied in specialized medical circles, mainly at the level of professors, candidates, and doctors of medical sciences.
It is believed that degenerative changes in the upper cervical spine lead to numerous problems throughout the body and especially affect the human nervous system.
According to scientific data, pronounced vertebro-spinal and vertebro-vascular disorders in the cervical region are detected in 25-30% of children, while in adults, they reach 50-65%.

The impact of dysfunction on the micro level

Head joints dysfunction leads to a shift in the center of gravity, biomechanical breakdown of the skeleton, and multiple muscle tensions. This negatively affects microcirculation and the nutritional processes within the body. Histological studies of brain tissues and other parts of the nervous system show that in patients with craniovertebral dysfunction, compared to those without such disorders, the following deviations were observed:
A general decrease in the number of nerve cells from the norm;
Presence of dystrophic changes in neurons and glial cells (cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems, brain, and spinal cord);
Presence of microvacuolization of the cytoplasm (damage to neurons due to hypoxia, i.e., oxygen deficiency caused by impaired microcirculation processes);
Pyknosis of neuron nuclei (shrinkage and wrinkling of the cell nucleus due to water deficiency caused by impaired microcirculation processes);
Chromatolysis occurring in individual neurons (cell depletion and intoxication due to impaired microcirculation processes);
Edema and dystrophic changes in cells were noted in some sympathetic ganglia (clusters of nerve cells) due to this edema (caused by disruption of internal pressures and worsening microcirculation);
Dystrophic changes in cells and fibers, as well as stromal edema (the connective tissue framework or foundation for internal organs), were found in nerve trunks;
In areas where the total number of neurons was reduced, weak proliferation of microglia cells was revealed (in certain areas, the growth of the main branches of the nervous system, "like branches of a tree," was weak and incomplete);
Presence in some areas of tissue pathological proliferation reactions, which involved the development of coarse fibrous tissue with sclerosis phenomena (in some areas, clusters of nerve cells were replaced by overgrown connective tissue);
General pathological changes in the state of hemoarchitectonics (i.e., the physiology of the walls of blood vessels and the vascular bed), microcirculation in the vertebrobasilar and carotid basins of the brain, anaerobic processes (hypoxia and oxygen deficiency) in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord;
Dystrophic changes, as described above, not only formed in the brain and spinal cord but also in the peripheral and central nervous systems;
In some particularly severe cases, suppression of the central nervous system's condition at the segmental and suprasegmental levels was noted, including its higher parts involved in the analysis of nociceptive afferentation (disruption of the direct "brain-body" and feedback "body-brain" connection), nerve paresis (reduction in muscle strength due to underdevelopment, atrophy when the nerve is pinched).
The trigger for the listed degenerative changes is the biomechanical breakdown of the musculoskeletal system against the background of a disruption in the body's center of gravity and head joints dysfunction.
In the upper cervical vertebrae, excessive compressive muscle force is formed, blocking the joints and soft structures between them. This leads to physical nerve compression, a deficiency in microcirculation, and impaired cerebral blood flow.
If such an unpleasant picture occurs on the micro level, what does a person experience with nervous system pathologies?

Consequences for everyday life

Images of cervical vertebrae displacement provided by the Body Balance Clinic
Due to head joints dysfunction, the nervous system sustains significant damage. An adult or child may experience either heightened or partially suppressed brain activity because, due to chronic nerve compression and impaired microcirculation processes, the nervous system may function either in a "stressful hyperactive mode" or, conversely, in a relaxed "energy-saving mode."
Hyperactivity and passivity in children are two sides of the same coin, the same dysfunction. In the case of mild cervical spine injuries, children may experience difficulties with learning, socialization, and skill acquisition. In more severe injuries, children are prone to delayed speech development, problems adapting to society, anxiety, a tendency to isolate, sudden changes in behavior, restlessness, agitation, and aggression. In adults, inner anxiety, sudden mood swings, and irritability are often observed.
Cervical dysfunction can manifest as neurogenic symptoms: gastrointestinal disorders, feelings of nausea, heaviness in the neck, pressure or a lump in the throat, headaches, heart arrhythmia, numbness, sensory disturbances, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, and malfunctions of the senses. Did you ever think that your neck, or more precisely, your cranial joints, could be the source of these disorders?
The blockage of cranial joints with the rotation of the Atlas and Axis vertebrae causes the vascular, nervous, and lymphatic structures to be constantly compressed or stretched, as shown in the image below:
Prolonged uncomfortable positioning, intensive head movements in the presence of this imbalance can further aggravate the situation, compressing or elongating the vascular, nervous, and lymphatic structures even more, leading to the permanent manifestation of symptoms.

Blocked joints and cervical vertebrae in incorrect positions exert constant pressure on the branches of the body's nervous system.
In most cases, symptoms appear in combination with cranial joint dysfunction and certain factors that together lead to temporary increased muscle compression between the skull and cervical vertebrae.
As long as there is an imbalance in the cervical region, complaints are inevitable.
It is impossible to blame external circumstances for making you feel sick - first and foremost, you need to check whether your cranial joints are functioning correctly.

Impact on the spinal cord

Rotational displacement of the Atlas can disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and alter the pressure in the spinal canal. This fluid, known as cerebrospinal fluid, performs cooling, nourishing, protective, and cushioning functions for the spinal cord.
Cervical vertebrae displacement can narrow the space between the spinal canal and the foramen magnum at the base of the skull, reducing the space available for the spinal cord.
This impairs the flow of electrochemical impulses and, in some particularly severe cases (e.g., during birth trauma), can even lead to cerebral palsy (CP).
With disturbances in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics (cerebrospinal fluid is the liquid medium that bathes the brain and spinal cord), there is difficulty in removing excess heat from the brain and an increase in intracranial pressure, which can lead to widespread mental activity disorders: excessive fatigue, psychological burnout, hyperactivity, attention deficit, lack of enthusiasm, etc., as well as spatial orientation disorders (due to overstretching of the "dura mater" - the spinal cord membrane): dizziness, Meniere's syndrome, unsteady gait, derealization, etc.

Two types of head joints dysfunction

According to scientific data, cranial joint dysfunction leads to symptoms in about 80% of cases. However, among the total number of patients with upper cervical vertebrae dislocations, subluxation in the atlanto-axial joint and rotational subluxation of the atlas are observed in only 45-50% of cases.
This means that cranial joint dysfunction occurs in two forms:
First Type. In the first case, there is only a spasmodic compressive force in the deep muscles that block the cranial joints. This is accompanied by muscle fibrosis and thickening of the connective tissue around the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) without actual vertebral displacement. In this scenario, nerves located in the surrounding structures are compressed:

1) Greater occipital nerve
2) Suboccipital nerve (C1)
3) Greater occipital nerve (branch of C2)
4) Third occipital nerve
5) Cervical plexus
If additional pathologies of the temporomandibular joints are present, the following nerves may also be affected and activated: facial nerve, trigeminal nerve, mandibular nerve, dental nerves, auriculotemporal nerve.
Second Type. In the second case, the same issues occur as in the first, but with additional displacement and rotation of the vertebrae. In this scenario, besides the aforementioned nerves, cranial nerves may also be affected:

IX - Glossopharyngeal nerve
Х - Vagus nerve
XI - Accessory nerve
XII - Hypoglossal nerve
There are a total of 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emerge from the brain and pass along both the right and left sides of the body, some of which run around the cervical vertebrae and through openings in them.
As mentioned earlier, displacement of the cervical vertebrae can lead to compression of these nerves and difficulty in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow, resulting in "turbulence" at the junction between the skull and the atlas (C1) and axis (C2). This can lead to intracranial pressure disturbances.
Experience shows that irritation of the central trunk of the nervous system due to vertebral displacement can affect the condition of all 12 pairs of cranial nerves. In most cases, there is secondary activation of the trigeminal nerve (V).

Compression of the autonomic nervous system nerves

The autonomic nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves that run around the cervical vertebrae and through openings in them. When the cervical vertebrae are displaced, intense irritation occurs in only three of them:
Vagus nerve (nervus vagus): The tenth cranial nerve is the longest and most important nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system (part of the autonomic nervous system), involved in regulating the function of nearly all internal organs. The vagus nerve innervates the larynx, pharynx, upper esophagus, part of the external auditory apparatus, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, and even some muscles.
Glossopharyngeal nerve (nervus glossopharyngeus): The ninth cranial nerve transmits signals from the back of the tongue to the brain and innervates the muscles of the pharynx. It is important for swallowing and activating the parotid gland.
Accessory nerve (nervus accessorius): The eleventh cranial nerve is a motor nerve that regulates muscle activity. Among the various muscles controlled by the accessory nerve are the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius) and the sternocleidomastoid muscle (musculus sternocleidomastoideus).
These three cranial nerves descend from the skull through the jugular foramen, located directly in front of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas. It is in this recess that something often overlooked occurs: even a slight rotational subluxation of the atlas can exert pressure on all these nerves, causing "unexplained" and "incurable" symptoms, provoking pain and various disturbances in the areas they innervate.
Through the treatment method for craniovertebral dysfunction at the Body Balance Clinic, the forced blockage of the autonomic nervous system nerves can be eliminated, and the associated symptoms relieved.

Impact on the peripheral nervous system

The skeletal-muscular imbalance caused by displacement leads to hardening of various muscles and, consequently, to the compression of nerves exiting from the lower cervical vertebrae (C4, C5, C6, and C7). Since these nerves innervate the arms, their compression can cause weakness and numbness in the arms and fingers (paresthesia of the hands).
Due to the displacement of the body's center of gravity and prolonged muscle overstrain, fibers of the peripheral nervous system may be compressed in various parts of the body. In medicine, these phenomena are known as peripheral nerve compression syndromes, such as intercostal neuralgia and cramps—these are their manifestations.
One of the most common is the sciatic nerve compression syndrome. In this case, the contracted piriformis muscle (musculus piriformis) puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. As a result, pain occurs in the buttocks and the back of the legs, also known as sciatica.
Has a doctor ever told you that the shift in your body's center of gravity caused by cranial joint dysfunction could lead to neuralgia in your buttocks or a loss of sensation in your fingers?
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