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Main Main principles What is Body Balance Clinic?

What is Body Balance Clinic?

Body Balance Clinic is a medical organization specializing in restoring the proper function of the cervical spine, which is considered the primary cause of imbalance throughout the entire musculoskeletal system. The clinic treats a wide range of disorders associated with this imbalance using its proprietary method and unique technologies.  

Treatment of the cervical spine by Body Balance Clinic's method

The correction is a completely new, innovative treatment method designed to restore the biomechanics of the head, neck, and spinal joints. The method is based on the principle that the balance and health of the entire musculoskeletal system primarily depend on the proper function of the cervical spine, specifically the head joints, and their ability to symmetrically balance the weight of the head across all four sides of the skeleton.
The successful experience of treating thousands of patients shows that dysfunction of the upper cervical joints disrupts the body's center of gravity, impairing its proper function and causing a range of disorders. The relief from discomfort following treatment is a result of the body's ability to self-regulate, which is activated immediately after the dysfunction of the head joints is corrected.
The method is based on professional diagnostics and the identification of hidden pathological abnormalities in the area where the skull connects with the first two cervical vertebrae, which can cause a shift in the head's center of gravity and, consequently, a biomechanical collapse of the spine along its entire length (observed postural defects). To detect these abnormalities, cone-beam 3D computed tomography, Doppler ultrasound of the head and neck vessels, and postural photo analysis are used.
Once dysfunction is detected and "weak spots" are precisely identified, therapeutic intervention occurs, which in practice leads to the restoration of proper cervical spine function in patients, significant improvement in posture, and the resolution of a wide range of complaints of both biomechanical and neurogenic nature. Post-treatment examinations are conducted to document the results.

Authorship and method features

"Correction" is a proprietary method developed by Dr. Andrei Popravka, the founder of Body Balance Clinic, which is the result of 8 years of intellectual development. The unique, unparalleled methods of hardware diagnostics for cervical vertebrae displacement were co-developed with Dr. Dmitry Glebov, co-founder of the organization.
The method is based on neurophysiological principles, treating the target area as a neuromuscular complex and falls under the category of neurophysiological medical interventions. No dangerous "trust manipulations" of the patient's neck are performed.
This is a completely new approach. The method's operation principle is entirely different from anything you may have tried before, despite any apparent "similarity" to other practices. The method, by its very nature, cannot be classified under "medical massage," "manual therapy," "osteopathy," "physiotherapy," or "chiropractic." Any comparison to these established practices is inappropriate and incorrect.
The spinal health restoration technologies used at Body Balance Clinic focus not only on the neck area but also on the cervicothoracic and lumbosacral regions.
The methodology is based on the understanding that symptoms do not arise from age or spontaneously, without any objective causes, but are a logical consequence of the body's center of gravity being disrupted and the skeletal structure collapsing biomechanically. This is easily confirmed through a system of photopostural analysis conducted before and after treatment. Addressing the issue of the center of gravity (dysfunction of the head and neck joints) represents an innovative scientific approach in both diagnostics and medicine.

More about head joint dysfunction

Head joint dysfunction (or craniovertebral dysfunction) is a fundamental biomechanical disorder occurring at the junction between the head and the first two cervical vertebrae, leading to partial or complete blockage of the joints located in this segment. The dysfunction of the head joints, in turn, causes a shift in the head's center of gravity, triggering compensatory biomechanical curvature of the spine, which contributes to the development of a wide range of symptoms.
Our experience shows that most patients who have spent years unsuccessfully trying to get rid of pain and discomfort suffered from head joint dysfunction, which was the underlying cause of their body's center of gravity imbalance and related symptoms. After treatment at Body Balance Clinic, patients' symptoms significantly decrease over the long term or disappear entirely.
The key point is that head joint dysfunction typically progresses covertly, without causing discomfort in the occipital area where the primary problem is localized, and therefore often goes undiagnosed by doctors due to the absence of direct patient complaints.
However, its side effects, manifesting as widespread symptoms, are observed in other areas of the body. This confuses both doctors and patients. As a result, attempts to treat the manifesting symptoms, which are not the true issue, often end in failure.

Professional diagnosis of head joint dysfunction

One of the main focuses of Body Balance Clinic is the thorough diagnosis of the head and neck connection in patients, utilizing advanced methods such as cone-beam computed tomography, Doppler ultrasound of the head and neck vessels, postural photo analysis, and biomechanical testing of the upper cervical segments. This comprehensive approach allows for the detection and treatment of head joint dysfunction, which in turn leads to the alleviation of headaches, back pain, and a host of other symptoms caused by biomechanical collapse and the disruption of the spine's center of gravity.
Body Balance Clinic emphasizes the importance of addressing the fundamental cause of biomechanical imbalance to both doctors and patients because only by doing so can the underlying issues be resolved effectively.

Symptoms that may arise due to head joint dysfunction:

Below is a list of primary symptoms that can be alleviated or fully resolved after a patient undergoes treatment at Body Balance Clinic:

Cervical osteochondrosis 
Feeling of a heavy head 
Headache / cephalalgia 
Migraine with or without aura
Balance disorders 
Meniere's disease 
Eye inflammation and pressure 
Buzzing, ringing in the ears, tinnitus 
Middle ear inflammation 
Trigeminal neuralgia 
Clicking and pain in the jaw joints 
Limited or painful head rotation
Neck tension and pain 
Neck muscle stiffness
Torticollis, spasmodic torticollis
Shoulder pain, one shoulder higher than the other 
Paresthesia / numbness in the arms
Recurrent tendinitis 
Tennis elbow 
Carpal tunnel syndrome 
High muscle tension 
Muscle pain (fibromyalgia) 
Back tension and pain 
Intervertebral disc protrusion
 Intervertebral disc herniation

Spinal nerve compression 
Pelvic asymmetry or curvature
Arthritis (from poor posture) 
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction pain
Sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve 
Radiculitis, radiculopathy 
Hip joint pain 
Pelvic tilt, leg length discrepancy 
Leg, knee, or foot pain 
Valgus deformities 
Chronically cold hands and feet
Sudden vasovagal syncope
Depression (resulting from chronic tension and pain) 
Sleep disorders due to mental tension
Sleep disorders due to bodily discomfort and muscle tension
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Hyperactivity in children 
Learning difficulties – dyslexia (difficulty with reading or writing)
Delayed speech development in children 
Epileptic seizures 
Clicking and pain in the knee joints

Who is Body Balance Clinic for?

The information provided on this website is ideal for people who:
Are open to innovative treatment methods and technologies;
Are willing to take responsibility for their health and want to know more about it;
Are looking for ways to prevent illness and avoid the onset of symptoms;
Have realized the inefficacy of pharmacological and outdated traditional treatment methods through their own experience and understand that these approaches primarily suppress symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of diseases;
Are seeking the underlying causes of their ailments and are looking for a long-term solution;
Understand that the body is a complex system, and therefore, dysfunction in one area can lead to issues in other areas that may seem unrelated;
Recognize that seemingly simple means may exist to treat what appears to be complex functional disorders, allowing the body to restore its balance;
Are willing to travel for treatment even if the clinic is not nearby, because this unique procedure requires only two follow-up visits;
Are not ready to accept the idea of living with discomfort without trying every possible solution;
Do not believe that their discomfort is merely psychosomatic or age-related.
Please note that the treatment offered at Body Balance Clinic is not a "cure-all" for every known disease. It is effective in addressing biomechanical issues but will not help mentally unwell individuals or those who intentionally choose to suffer and invent symptoms to attract attention.
The biomechanical aspect of treatment may not help patients whose symptoms have arisen due to internal body ecology issues. 
According to our statistics, by undergoing correction, you have an 80% chance of improving your health. This means there is a 20% "risk" that your problems may not be resolved. You should be aware of this before seeking treatment with us.

Who should not seek treatment at Body Balance Clinic:

Patients who just want to be treated without wanting to understand the causes of their illnesses;
Patients who expect all their ailments to disappear immediately after the first procedure, even if they have existed for decades and no therapy has helped;
Patients who are unable to follow the doctor's recommendations, who may decide to stop treatment halfway through;
Patients who believe that taking care of their health is the responsibility of others, without changing their unhealthy lifestyle, and are used to shifting responsibility onto others and blaming everyone for their troubles;
Patients who are not interested in the causes of their illnesses, who want to be healed here and now without making personal efforts to create conditions for and normalize their health, thinking "I want YOU to heal me completely, no matter how severe my condition is";
Patients without any obvious symptoms who see no point in treatment and therefore approach it with prejudice, because family members who have benefited from it "dragged them to the clinic" and forced them to undergo treatment for preventive purposes;
Patients who don't know how they ended up in the clinic, who know nothing about the treatment method, and therefore cannot clearly articulate why they are here and what they hope to achieve;
Patients who have read the information on the website and believe it is a 100% cure-all.

An important aspect of treatment

Even though there are currently hundreds of testimonials in favor of our organization, you should understand that when an acquaintance or someone in a testimonial tells you about solving their problems, it does not necessarily mean the same will happen for you if you undergo treatment.
The result, as well as the speed at which it is achieved, depends greatly on the patient's initial condition and factors such as:
Overall condition of the spine and joints;
Degree of muscle contracture;
Presence of past injuries and surgeries;
Presence of anomalies in the body;
Presence of irreversible biomechanical distortions;
Presence of issues with the liver's detoxification ability;
Presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
Presence of internal body ecology issues;
And, most importantly, how long the problem has been bothering you.
Therefore, the belief "I have the same problem as him, so the treatment will solve my issues in the same way" sometimes DOESN'T work. Your complaints, even if they seem identical, may be resolved over different timeframes using different methods, ranging from correction and treatment of head joint dysfunction to a detoxifying anti-inflammatory program to restore proper liver and gallbladder function.
To reassure our patients, we note that the clinic has a wide range of resources available. We strive to approach patient care comprehensively and therefore aim to address biomechanical issues alongside restoring the body's internal cleanliness. The most important thing required from the patient is trust in the doctor and adherence to the treatment protocol designed for you.

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